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You get busted shoplifting a KISS T-shirt from Woolworth's. You're sent to reform school where you have your first lesbian experience (and first orgasm) with your roommate, Geneva. You go through a series of foster homes before becoming an emancipated minor and receiving a trust fund of $500/month from your mom's stash. You go see Cheap Trick and get a backstage pass. While watching the crowd from the band's point of view, you have an epiphany. For the first time in your lifeyou know what you want to do--become a rock star. You want the power. You'll do whatever it takes. You form a band called Sugar Babylon and then get kicked out of that band. You head to Japan to strip, then to Dublin to try to live with your dad (that lasts 3 days), then to England where you meet the first in a long line of rock stars you'll obsess over. Who's the lucky fella?

Julian Cope

Simon Le Bon

George Michael

Back to the Beginning of the Story



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