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No sweat. You let Cher sleep in her own twin bed next to yours (so "I Love Lucy") and you sleep with your other girlfriends in your own bed. Life seems sweet until Cher's actress-wannabe mom finds out about the domestic situation and yanks Cher home. You suddenly realize that you're in love with this nutty, underage, runaway waif. And on top of everything, she sings! She craves stardom just like you. You're both survivor-types and so you dedicate all of your energy into making Sonny ampersand Cher an act. First, you try to get your boss Phil Spector to produce Cher. Strangely, he hesitates but he lets you both sing backup on "Da Doo Ron Ron," "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling," and the Christmas Album. It's a start, but Cher and Phil don't have much chemistry. Call it feminist's intuition. By late '63, you're ready to make your first full-fledged vinyl recording, but Cher is afraid to sing alone. Sonny, should you sing?

You can sing.

You can't sing.

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