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You try a number of therapies. You escape into the internet, where you have flame wars with those who accuse you of killing Kurt (including those like private investigator Tom Grant who think you actually hired a hit man to off Kurt). You have a fight with a Qantas flight attendent after she orders you to remove your feet from the bulkhead wall. But the best therapy is music therapy. You start stage diving during a club tour to promote your new album and continue it during Lollapalooza in the summer of 1995. The best revenge against all those who said you rode Kurt's coattails is critical acclaim, and Live Through This gets heaps of it, including Spin's album of the year award. You go on to achieve critical kudos in movies, too, with your performance in The People Vs. Larry Flynt. You trade in your kinderwhore baby dolls dresses for Versace and attend the Oscars with new boyfriend, clean-cut Edward Norton. Barbara Walters makes you cry on one of her interview specials--how legitimate can you get? Although your most recent album Celebrity Skin fails to set the world afire and your tour with Marilyn Manson combusts, you emerge unscathed. At this point, you can go forward and do whatever and whoever the fuck you want. Enjoy, and rock on.



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