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You either have guts or you don't. You've decided to be a man and deal with people. You learned your lesson with Dee. They always find out and it always gets ugly. So, you sit down with Britt, and lo and behold, there are no tantrums, no lawsuits, very few tears. Hell, you weren't even good to her. It's a clean break for a change.

You can go right on being a lady's man now that you've got the leaving them part down. You assure Britt that she will find someone better and one Stray Cat's as good as another. You decide your scandals have taken their toll. You rediscover your roots, enjoy a brief period of celibacy and then start your own label in order to discover new acts. You want to start giving back. From there, you start a record company, then an airline, then a soda pop. Then you fly a balloon around the world, something you've always wanted to do.

The End

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